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Voter Chats: We Need Safer Roads

As I chat with voters in District 4, there's one issue that comes up time and time again: speeding. Many people report feeling unsafe while walking or driving. I live on Hillside Road, and I feel their pain. On more than one occasion, I have been passed by someone driving aggressively on Hillside or Abbott Run Valley Rd, who seemed very angry that I was going the speed limit. Our roads are not setup for that kind of driving and it imperils all of us.

Town leadership has taken these concerns seriously. In 2020, they passed a resolution allowing citizens to work with their neighbors to submit a request for a traffic study on a given road. This allows for evidence-based information that can be used to justify additional traffic-calming measures. You can find information about this and results of the studies here.

Browsing the more than 25 reports, you'll see that most were conducted in 2020, a time when many people were staying home. Post-pandemic changes in demographics mean we have changes in traffic patterns and many newer residents that may not have any knowledge of how to get help.

If elected, I'll advocate for increasing safety on our roadways. As a community, we've done quite a bit already, but maybe there are new ideas that could help us even more.

Let's work together to have safer roads.

Note: As evidence of what I've experienced, here is a video from the front of my house taken a few weeks ago. My mailbox was hit by a driver who was not paying attention. On many occasions, I've had to jump out of the way as someone comes speeds around the curve when I try to get my mail. Many people I've spoken to report similar experiences.

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