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Voter Chats: It's All About the Schools

I've spoken to voters on their doorsteps, at the senior center, and even in the aisles at Dave's, and almost every single person has brought up schools. The shared commitment to ensuring our schools are flourishing is one of the reasons I want to serve on our Town Council. It says something great about a town when people of all ages care about the schools.

It has also lead more than one person to ask if I have children in the schools. I do not. My husband and I were not able to have any. That didn't stop me from voting in favor of the bond initiative to fund building improvements for our schools. It doesn't stop me from caring deeply that we provide public education environments that help all students (and teachers) thrive.

One kind person reached out after asking to apologize. I want the voters to know that no such apology is needed, because I understand how important that question is to so many of you. We need students that are challenged to learn and grow, because they will be leading us into the future. It is fair for you to want to know where I stand on this issue, and one of the shortcuts to understanding is to ask if I have children.

If I am going to ask for your vote, I need to be willing to answer your questions.

Students, parents, the School Committee, local officials, and more people than I could list have worked for years to improve the schools in our Town. It's one of the reasons so many people want to call Cumberland home now. It's also why we continue to see strong enrollment, while many communities around the state see their numbers go down.

I fully support our schools and always will. They are part of how we move forward together.

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